Sashwat Manohar

Business Director - North, FoxyMoron

Shashwat leads the business development team in the agency’s Gurugram office. He holds 12 years of digital and advertising experience. He started his career at Adglobal 360 as a campaign manager working across a multitude of categories to deliver performance-led campaigns and initiatives. Then, he spent almost a decade at Wunderman Thompson where he moved up the ranks rapidly to become the VP & CSD, having built digital mandates across multiple marquee brands such as Nokia, Levi’s, Adidas, Kellogg’s, Pringle, Bose, Kitkat, Polo, Nescafe Gold, TOI and Microsoft to name a few. 

Given his exposure of working across categories and functions, he brings with him a unique blend of data, creativity, and technology which allows him to solve challenges and build strategies from a holistic perspective. 

He is a  self proclaimed gadget freak and outside of work, he likes to shoot some pool or just ‘Netflix and Chill’.


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